Vidhyasahayak 6 to 8 Bharti 2015-2016 – Apply Online for 921 posts
Gujarat Rajy Prathmik Shikshan Pasandgi Samiti has relesed recruitment notification for 921 6 to 8 Vidhyasahayak vacancies. Eligible candidates may apply online form 08-12-2015 to 17-12-2015. Vidhyasahayak Bharti online application available on official site
Vidhyasahayak 6 to 8 Bharti 2015-2016
Total No. of Posts: 921
Post name:
1. Maths/Science
Jilla: 455
Nagar: 87
Total: 542
2. Language
Jilla: 135
Nagar: 31
Total: 166
3. Social Science
Jilla: 181
Nagar: 32
Total: 213
Online Application Start: 08.12.2015
Last Date of Online Application: 17.12.2015
Official Site:
sir tet2 ni markseet kyare aavse? ?plz jani aapo ne